Bus strike withdrawn

Pabna District Motor Sramik Union withdrew their strike yesterday hours after the union enforced it demanding release of its leader Shamsur Rahman Swapan who was arrested on Tuesday on charge of making fake driving licences. Bus services to and from Pabna came to a halt for several hours causing immense sufferings to the passengers.Earlier, Rab arrested Shamsur Rahman Shwapan, vice president of Pabna district unit motor shramik union, also a Jatiyatabadi Sramik Dal leader from his residence. The arrest followed a case filed by assistant director of Pabna BRTA Md Wahiduzzaman with Pabna Police Station. Agitated transport workers brought out a procession in the district headquarters Tuesday night demanding release of their leader but Swapan was sent to jail yesterday, police said. The strike was withdrawn after the local lawmaker of Pabna-5 assured the union leaders of resolving the issue.

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