Govt targets Tk 80,000cr revenue in next budget

The revenue-earning target has been fixed at Tk 80,000 crore in the next fiscal year without imposing new tax burden on the people, said Finance Minister AMA Muhith yesterday.He told this to journalists after a meeting with the National Board of Revenue (NBR) on revenue-earning target for the next fiscal year."I am trying not to increase burden on the public, rather trying to ensure that they get commodities at cheaper rates," Muhith said.In the current fiscal year, the revenue-earning target was Tk 69,382 crore.The finance minister said of the Tk 80,000 crore more than Tk 60,000 crore has been fixed for realisation by the NBR. In the non-NBR sector, the collection may be Tk 20,000 crore.However, the revenue-collection target for the NBR in the 2009-10 budget will be more than Tk 60,000 crore, he said.Target for non-tax revenue collection will be between Tk 18,000 crore and Tk 20,000 crore, the minister mentioned.

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