Fit-again 7-yr-old pushed into coma

With a minor fracture in his hand, Sanjoy was admitted into a local clinic of Faridpur sadar upazila but a moment's careless treatment of a nurse put the seven-year-old boy's life in peril.Sanjoy, a nursery student and son of Jibon Kundu of Pachhchar Bazar at Shibchar in Madaripur, fractured one of his arms as he bumped into a tree branch while playing on May 5. After he was taken to the Faridpur Sadar Hospital the on duty doctor bandaged his hand.As his injury got worse the same doctor referred him to the Desh Clinic on May 11 where he underwent a minor operation the same day, said Sanjoy's uncle Shankar Kunda.He was supposed to return to his normal life but instead he is now fighting for his life in the city's Apollo Hospital.Before he was discharged from the clinic the on duty nurse of the postoperative ward was supposed to administer him an antibiotic injection as per the doctor's directive."As soon as the nurse pushed the injection the boy lapsed into unconsciousness," Shankar told The Daily Star."After he became unconscious we got anxious and called the doctor immediately. We collected the ampoule and showed it to the doctor," he said.“The doctor said it happened due to reaction of the medicine and advised us to take Sanjoy to Dhaka immediately,” he added.In a state of confusion Sanjoy's family members went over to several doctors with the ampoule to ascertain what really had gone wrong and came to know that he was given anaesthesia."We rushed Sanjoy to Apollo Hospital the same day and since then he has remained unconscious for 11 days in the intensive care unit (ICU) of the hospital," Shankar said.Wishing anonymity one of the doctors who is treating the boy at the Apollo Hospital told The Daily Star on Friday over cellphone that functions of the brain and other parts of his body had collapsed.“Only his heart is functioning and we are trying our level best,” he said adding that they did not know why this had happened.The child was unconscious and his condition was very critical when he was admitted to the hospital, he added.Talking to The Daily Star correspondent, Dr Anadi Mondol who operated on the boy's hand said the operation was done successfully in the evening of May 11.Anadi, an orthopaedic physician of Faridpur Sadar Hospital who practises in the Desh Clinic as consultant also said the boy was completely all right and he talked with everyone and even had his breakfast at the clinic. "I saw them making preparation to leave the hospital," he said adding that he had prescribed for an antibiotic injection before the boy was discharged. But the nurse mistakenly injected anaesthetic sending the boy to an unconscious state. Conceding the fact Helal Bari Babul, owner of the Desh Clinic, told The Daily Star that they would take action against the nurse, Lipi."We are negotiating with the victim's family members to come to a settlement," he said.

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